LionGuard Opportunities Fund
LionGuard Opportunities Fund has the objective to achieve long-term growth of capital through disciplined investing across North American equities. The Fund invests on a long/short basis and intends to achieve positive absolute returns with low correlation to equity markets.
Fund Information
- Annualized Net Return 11.10%
- Cumulative Net Return 194.22%
- Upside Capture Ratio 74%
- Downside Capture Ratio 34%
- Fund Description
- Investment Process
- Risk Management
- Fund Reports
Fund Characteristics
- Status
Open - Legal Structure
Limited Partnership or Trust - Subscription/Redemption
Monthly - Lock-Up Period
None - Qualification
Accredited Investors - Geographic Focus
North America
- Status
- Capitalization Focus
Small & Mid Cap Equities - Fund Currency
Canadian Dollars - Management Fee
Class A - 2.0%, Class F - 1.0% - Profit Distribution Fee
20% above High-Water Mark - Hurdle Rate
3.0% per Annum - FundSERV Codes
Class A - LGC101, Class F - LGC103
Class A (Trust) - LGC201, Class F (Trust) - LGC203 - Registered Accounts Eligible
TFSA, RRSP, etc.
LGC201 & LGC203
- Capitalization Focus
Our investment process includes the following steps:
1. Fundamental Research & Analysis
We conduct detailed fundamental research and analysis on companies before they are included in the portfolio.
2. Calculation of Intrinsic Value
With the help of our in-house financial models, we compute the intrinsic value of the business.
3. Risk Management Analysis
We identify and quantify risks that have an impact on the intrinsic value of the business.
4. Portfolio Construction Considerations
We build our portfolio using a bottom-up stock selection approach by adding one company at a time.
5. Monitoring, Re-balancing, Exiting
We monitor all positions in the portfolio and incorporate all relevant new information in our analysis and decision making.
Our risk management process includes the following steps:
1. Focus on Capital Preservation
We invest in high-quality companies that fall within our circle of competence.
2. Minimize Risk of Changes in Fundamental Characteristics
We minimize this risk by conducting detailed fundamental research and analysis.
3. Manage Single Risk Factor Exposures
We monitor and manage single risk factor exposures within the portfolio.
4. Manage Single Name Exposures
We actively monitor the size of each position in the portfolio in relation to the level of confidence in our investment thesis.
5. Monitoring & Analysis
We monitor other relevant risks and conduct risk management meetings on a regular basis.